Friday Update On True Love Glow Tv

Friday Update On True Love Glow Tv 

Veer is still lying in the same spot, remembering moments with Ichcha. In Ichcha's room, Ichcha is remembering Veer and hugs a gift given to her by him. Taps walks in sobbing and when Ichcha asks whats wrong Taps says that no matter how hard she tries she can never succeed in being good enough for Veer. Ichcha assures her that if her love is true, Veer will come to her.
Veer arrives home and is confronted by Gunwanti. He asks her why, when she knew, she didn't tell him. She tells him that she wasn't brave enough. He asks if this is why he was sent to Delhi, and she nods yes. Veer tells Mai that because of her, he will never be able to trust any relationship. She tells him that she didn't mean any harm, and Vansh's heart is not as strong as Veer's. Veer laughs, asking if this was his mistake. He tells her that the day Vansh finds out, which will happen sooner or later, he will have only hatred in his heart for them. Before leaving, he turns around and tells her that he knows that somewhere in her heart, she still wants Taps as her bahu. Veer says that he cannot come to Vansh's wedding, and leaves to his room.
In his room, Mai comes in with milk and tells him that she knows she has lost the right but she wants to ask him something. She tells him that when Vansh was turned down by Jogi, he had completely broken down and Ichcha had to be the one to come and drag him out of there. She asks him to come to the wedding, and Veer agrees for Vansh's sake. She adds that he will have to attend the wedding and complete the rasams with Taps as his wife. He stands up shocked, and disagrees at first but ends up giving in to Mai's demand. She also tells him that tomorrow he will have to go to Jogi's house with shagun for Ichcha. He agrees and asks if there's anything else. Gunwanti shakes her head no and leaves.
The next morning Taps is woken up by Rohini who alerts her that Veer has come with shagun for Ichcha. Taps is confused at first and then understands that it is from Vansh. Jogi goes to Ichcha-Damini's room and tells them that Veer has come with shagun. Both are shocked and Damini leaves with Jogi. Ichcha cries and asks if Veer will ever forgive her.



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Glowtvsoapies: Friday Update On True Love Glow Tv
Friday Update On True Love Glow Tv
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